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by ira
10 Dec 2024, 06:20
Forum: Cobian Reflector
Topic: Unable to edit days of the week
Replies: 10
Views: 3535

Re: Unable to edit days of the week

Of course, I figure the more load we keep off of Luis, the longer he'll hang around and help us. I knew it worked because I use it.
by ira
09 Dec 2024, 20:04
Forum: Cobian Reflector
Topic: Unable to edit days of the week
Replies: 10
Views: 3535

Re: Unable to edit days of the week

The hardest part of editing it is things are related by a long seemingly random string and so each entry is spread out a bit. But I've done it, so I know it's possible.
by ira
08 Dec 2024, 22:38
Forum: Cobian Reflector
Topic: Unable to edit days of the week
Replies: 10
Views: 3535

Re: Unable to edit days of the week

I would guess it's in the task list somewhere. Why not cut a copy of the current list to just one problem task, then create a new exact copy of that task that works and compare them. Because of the formatting of the new task lists it's a bit hard to follow, but I had an issue and was able to figure ...
by ira
08 Dec 2024, 19:14
Forum: Cobian Reflector
Topic: Unable to edit days of the week
Replies: 10
Views: 3535

Re: Unable to edit days of the week

Screenshot 2024-12-08 101059.png
Screenshot 2024-12-08 101059.png (59.51 KiB) Viewed 1960 times
Screenshot 2024-12-08 101327.png
Screenshot 2024-12-08 101327.png (35.39 KiB) Viewed 1960 times
Screenshot 2024-12-08 101359.png
Screenshot 2024-12-08 101359.png (55.13 KiB) Viewed 1960 times
by ira
08 Dec 2024, 19:10
Forum: Cobian Reflector
Topic: Unable to edit days of the week
Replies: 10
Views: 3535

Re: Unable to edit days of the week

When I check monthly, I have the option of choosing numbered days in the days pull down of the Date Settings box. I can also check the select days of the week and I can select both days of week and nth DOW of the month. Also, Days of the week seems always available when Weekly is selected. Reflector...
by ira
07 Dec 2024, 19:22
Forum: Cobian Reflector
Topic: Unable to edit days of the week
Replies: 10
Views: 3535

Re: Unable to edit days of the week

check the box next to "Select the days of the week." And you might have to choose weekly or something as daily assumes every day.
by ira
26 Oct 2024, 05:02
Forum: Cobian Reflector
Topic: Emergency destination option
Replies: 4
Views: 2125

Re: Emergency destination option

You might be able to do this by making 3 almost identical tasks, the first one automatic and the rest manual and running the manual one from a post backup event that runs the the next task only on failure which would in effect cause a cascading choice of destinations till one worked.
by ira
21 Oct 2024, 19:18
Forum: Cobian Reflector
Topic: Change proposal - program improvements
Replies: 7
Views: 2824

Re: Change proposal - program improvements

I believe that will do what you seemed to be asking.
by ira
21 Oct 2024, 02:33
Forum: Cobian Reflector
Topic: Change proposal - program improvements
Replies: 7
Views: 2824

Re: Change proposal - program improvements

Oh, would not have expected that. I would figure they should be mutually exclusive, maybe even with an additional option for day of month so full backup every 1st or maybe 1st and 15th.
by ira
20 Oct 2024, 19:37
Forum: Cobian Reflector
Topic: Change proposal - program improvements
Replies: 7
Views: 2824

Re: Change proposal - program improvements

So I know you're done modding the program but I decided to go mess around to see how this all seemed to work and found some questions. If I choose incremental backup every day, full backup every four days and use a fixed day of Friday, what happens. Does it backup every Friday or only when a Friday ...