Search found 12 matches
- 04 Jul 2024, 01:29
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: Announcement
- Replies: 84
- Views: 152460
Re: Announcement
ahora sí que aquí lo importante es que tú estés bien, que uses tu tiempo para cosas tuyas y de tu persona. Well said, Tetsu. I respectfully second, with great gratitude. Your line of backup projects have saved me more than a couple times over the years and implementations (including full and immedi...
- 15 Oct 2023, 19:43
- Forum: Cobian Backup 11 (Gravity)
- Topic: Save log elsewhere
- Replies: 5
- Views: 30233
Re: Save log elsewhere
... although I'm not sure I understand how it should work. I installed 2.5.00. Rebooted. Updated my registry**. Rebooted. Checked my backup jobs in Reflector ... and Reflector updated the main db, list, logs, ... in the original installation folder ... rather than in my custom path: cobian-reflector...
- 15 Oct 2023, 19:14
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: Carpetas vitales / Vital folders
- Replies: 15
- Views: 38458
Re: Carpetas vitales / Vital folders
Great option - I wish it weren't so hidden: No reference in the docs that I can find. I finally tracked it down after searching the old Backup forums.
- 20 Aug 2023, 00:07
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: feature request: Global Exclusions List
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2947
Re: feature request: Global Exclusions List
Thanks for the thumbs-up. The more I think about this, the more I like it : ) Just a bit of empirical follow-up for a Win11 pc, however anecdotal : ) After tuning my tasks over the past week, mainly to avoid bloat, my cumulative backup to NAS has gone from this: Backed up files: 171444. Time elapsed...
- 19 Aug 2023, 23:11
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: Backup of Cobian settings
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3782
Re: Backup of Cobian settings
On windows, my Reflector tasks use a Pre-backup event to create a 7zip archive: The command, here with line-breakups to be more readable: 7z u -r -tzip "C:\_Backup_\_Configs\" "C:\Program Files\Cobian Reflector\*.db" "C:\Program Files\Cobian Reflector\*.ini"...
- 12 Aug 2023, 17:35
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: feature request: Global Exclusions List
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2947
feature request: Global Exclusions List
I've recently switched from Backup 11 (can't recall how many happy and safe years with that product : ) to Reflector. As I tune my new backup tasks, mainly to eliminate unimportant errors, I start to think that this would be much easier if there were a general application setting like "global exclus...
- 12 Aug 2023, 02:09
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: How to compare the filters of tasks?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4155
How to compare the filters of tasks?
Curious whether anyone has a straightforward way to compare the filters of tasks? In backup 11 (gravity) I could easily compare the Filter settings of tasks. This was somewhat more straightforward for me than comparing the strings in the Properties tab of the UI. In reflector, MainList structure is ...
- 12 Aug 2023, 01:42
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: Application not running at startup
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4813
Re: Application not running at startup
Well that explains the VSC error. I have no folder c:\Program Files\Backup*
: )
: )
Code: Select all
c:\Program Files>dir /x /a:h /a:d b*
Volume in drive C has no label.
Directory of c:\Program Files
2023-04-25 16:08 <DIR> Bonjour
- 09 Aug 2023, 01:53
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: "The file or directory is not a reparse point"
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3537
Re: "The file or directory is not a reparse point"
Thank you, sir, and thank you for a great product.
- 09 Aug 2023, 01:52
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: Application not running at startup
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4813
Re: Application not running at startup
I used to spend a lot of time making sense of Event Viewer errors and warnings ... eventually accepting that I could rarely make any sense of them or follow them through to any resolution. Nonetheless, I do spot a recurring error 8194 related to VSS. I can't do much with this, but perhaps others can...