Search found 15 matches
- 04 Jul 2024, 01:34
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: Announcement
- Replies: 84
- Views: 152461
Re: Announcement
Please don't let the project die. I opt for the 3rd option and I would like to contribute to the improvements that I have already expressed. C# is my favorite programming language and I could contribute because I have been a user of your software for many years. I could contribute pull requests and ...
- 15 Apr 2024, 13:19
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: backups dont get deleted
- Replies: 39
- Views: 39990
Re: backups dont get deleted
I think that in Windows 11 just configuring "Put my device to sleep: never" is not enough, as it is also necessary to configure "Turn off my screen: never". This way the old backup is quickly deleted in about half an hour. This might help someone else. The screen never turns off, staying in the lock...
- 15 Dec 2023, 13:03
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: backups dont get deleted
- Replies: 39
- Views: 39990
Re: backups dont get deleted
I think I discovered what is avoiding the oldest backup from deleting. Although I normally close all the applications that may prevents the backup went well, the OneDrive still has the "FileSyncHelper.exe" file running. After kill this process the backup folder was deleted. Thanks.
- 01 Dec 2023, 22:15
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: backups dont get deleted
- Replies: 39
- Views: 39990
Re: backups dont get deleted
My guess it that the disc is caching something and then the program if failing to delete the folders... Just a guess. :| Perhaps yes, maybe the Cobian Reflector itself or others application that is using some file in that hard drive. I've also Windows user account in this hard driver. But in this c...
- 30 Nov 2023, 15:55
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: backups dont get deleted
- Replies: 39
- Views: 39990
Re: backups dont get deleted
If tyou change the destination to a local folder (not onn the network), do you get the same behaviour? The case I exposed is for an external hard driver connect to my computer trough USB port, so non network is used. But I also have other task backup more smaller, where I backup on the same hard dr...
- 30 Nov 2023, 10:57
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: backups dont get deleted
- Replies: 39
- Views: 39990
Re: backups dont get deleted
I also configured my computer to never go to sleep in the Windows definitions. As you can see in the image the deleting stuck on starting deleting the folders, 0 files and 37088 folders. It only delete the files and leave all the folders and sub-folders. It's really a Windows behavior? I clicked on ...
- 29 Nov 2023, 16:31
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: Suggestion for separated backups timestamps.
- Replies: 3
- Views: 4856
Re: Suggestion for separated backups timestamps.
:OK Another trap is if the user disable "Use absolute paths" and has "Full copies to keep" more than one, if the user choose folders with the same name on different locations, the latest will overwrite the others, make the user losing data in case he needs to restore. Yes, that is only logical. May...
- 23 Nov 2023, 15:29
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: Suggestion for separated backups timestamps.
- Replies: 3
- Views: 4856
Suggestion for separated backups timestamps.
Currently when "Create new separated backups", "Use absolute paths" and "Always create top parent folder" are enabled, on a task that full backup a disk drive it create the correct timestamps (Image 1) If the task only have some folders and files to backup currently it create the timestamps on the f...
- 23 Nov 2023, 10:55
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: backups dont get deleted
- Replies: 39
- Views: 39990
Re: backups dont get deleted
Great. Thank you very much.
- 23 Nov 2023, 01:27
- Forum: Cobian Reflector
- Topic: backups dont get deleted
- Replies: 39
- Views: 39990
Re: backups dont get deleted
I already have "Options/Enngine/Prevent sleeping" set a long time but doesn't prevent it to sleep I think. I have Windows 11 Version 23H2. When it start the long task it write into the log "Preventing the computer enter in sleep mode" but when the task end it write to the log "The computer can now e...