Tell me, plz, is it possible (and how) to configure Cobian Backup so that it does not recreate the full copy, but complements it? If I understand correctly, this is called a Synthetic Full Backup (pic).
From my experience with this program, if you configure, for example, Differential copying (3 copies), then it will first create a full one, then it will make Differential copies for 3 days, and then it will create a new full one again (and delete the old full one).
If we are talking about copying a very large amount of data (1 Tb and above), of which only a couple of gigabytes change, then I would not like to recreate this entire volume on a regular basis. But at the same time, having several intermediate copies (i.e. just a full backup of the mirror type will not work).
Reverse Incremental Backup (pic) also can fit, but how to configure it?
Can I make Synthetic Full Backup or Reverse Incremental Backup?
Re: Can I make Synthetic Full Backup or Reverse Incremental Backup?
Just do NOT create new backups regularly. Play with the dynamic settings.
Luis Cobian
Cobian Backup's creator
Luis Cobian
Cobian Backup's creator