I use Cobian Backup.
I have a Backup configuration from Window Server 2016 to NAS using FTP.
The first time I selected Full Backup the following days was Incremental. By default, there will be 1 Full Bakup and 6 Incremental copies in a week. However, after creating, the NAS created 1 Full Backup and 6 Incremental copies, while the Server displayed all Incremental copies. This resulted in old data not being deleted on the NAS.
Backup error on Cobian
Re: Backup error on Cobian
This is often caused by a permissions problem at the NAS side. Check the permissions against the user running the task to see if you find the problem there,
Luis Cobian
Cobian Backup's creator
Luis Cobian
Cobian Backup's creator
Re: Backup error on Cobian
On the NAS I have given Full permission to the Backup account. With this Backup account, I run SQLBackupAndFTP which will advise you to delete old data normally.