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Pre-backup events, Post-backup events

Posted: 04 Feb 2021, 06:02
Thank you for providing a backup program.
Trying to run the EXE file before or after backup
Edit Task --> Events
If i register an EXE file in "Pre-backup event" or "Post-backup events", execution will not work normally.

The exe file is a python script.

Please tell me how to register

Re: Pre-backup events, Post-backup events

Posted: 05 Feb 2021, 13:55
by cobian
OK , I've never worked with python so I'm really guessing here. A script should be a text file that is interpreted by an engine (in this case the Pyhon compiler). If that is correct you should run a command line event I think, then run te command python "and the name and path of your script". As said, just guessing.