On windows, my Reflector tasks use a Pre-backup event to create a 7zip archive:
The command, here with line-breakups to be more readable:
7z u -r -tzip "C:\_Backup_\_Configs\Cobian_Reflector_Backup_DB_INI_LST_TXT.zip"
"C:\Program Files\Cobian Reflector\*.db"
"C:\Program Files\Cobian Reflector\*.ini"
"C:\Program Files\Cobian Reflector\*.lst"
"C:\Program Files\Cobian Reflector\*.txt"
I had to do the following to get the "7z" command in my default path:
- add my own "bin" folder to my system Path: %SystemDrive%\bin
- create a symbolic link (mklink) named "7z.exe" in that bin folder, pointing to the 7zip executable, %ProgramFiles%\7-zip\7z.exe
I prefer the transparency of this "bin" approach, over adding individual paths to my system Path.