MainList.lst deploiement by Ansible

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MainList.lst deploiement by Ansible

Post by fledorze »

Hi again
I have built Ansible playbooks to massively install/configur software and tasks to hosts.
The MainList.lst is generated from a Jinja Template MainList.lst.j2 to manage different parameters (FTP server and login, scheduling, source and destination folders, include/exclude masks.
Everything is working fine (some conversion Linux=>Windows are required to have the proper format (UTF-16, little-endian text, with CRLF line)

My question :
How configure the proper password chain in final MainList.lst from a clear text password ?
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Re: MainList.lst deploiement by Ansible

Post by cobian »

Make a clear password on the program and copy the result to be used anywhere it's needed.
Luis Cobian
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Re: MainList.lst deploiement by Ansible

Post by fledorze »

No sure understand :
From Ansible Linux system, I want create to MainList.lst with different login/passwords and deploy them to Windows hosts without any actions in Cobian GUI.
Should I configure FtpPassword field with cleartext passwords ?
Or use a specific method to encrypt it ?
Last edited by fledorze on 27 Apr 2024, 14:40, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MainList.lst deploiement by Ansible

Post by cobian »

The password should be encrypted. But I won't publish the encryption method, so, use any installation, enter the password, and copy the resulting encrypted string from your list.
Luis Cobian
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Re: MainList.lst deploiement by Ansible

Post by fledorze »

I undestand.
Thank you.
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