
Questions about Cobian Reflector
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Joined: 28 Aug 2022, 07:21

Re: Announcement

Post by streik »

Hola Luis
Que tal, cómo estás?

La verdad, es que... No dejes de hacer el programa.
Una obra, sea la que sea, y ms si es de años, como una catedral, etc
tiene siempre que continuar.

Yo te diría, tomate un descanso.
Delega en alguien esto. Alguien que veas que sepa.
Pero al mismo tiempo que siga tus directrices.

Lo mismo que la Catedral de la Sagrada Familia de Barcelona.
Llevan mas de 100 años haciendola
pero el que la continua, sigue perfectamente ls directrices de Antonio Gaudi, que es el que la creó.

Para eso, no es ni la opcin 1, ni la 2 ni la 3, sino la 4.

Y la 4 es esta que te acabo de decir.
Delegar si. Pero tu decides y tomas las directrices.
Y por supuesto tu guardas el codigo.

O bien la opcion de hacer que sea de codigo abierto.
A lo mejor asi todavia evoluciona mas.

Desde luego siempre has de elegir, lo que le de mas vida, y mas potencia a tu programa.

Porque tu tienes el poder.
El poder, de, poder elegir.

Y el que tiene el poder, siempre tiene que elegir lo mejor para el proyecto, y lo mejor para los que no tienen poder.

O sea, el poderoso, tiene la obligacion de procurar siempre por los debiles,

O en este caso (como en muchos casos) procurar para el propio proyecto (que depende de él y de su decision),
y procurar para los demás, que en este caso son los que utilizarán el proyecto.

Así que, el arquitecto, tiene la OBLIGACION de procurar lo mejor para su proyecto arquitectonico.
Así como tambien, tiene la OBLIGACION de procurar por los que van a utilizar o a admirar su proyecto arquitectonico.

Digo "la obigación", porque "el que tiene poder", "tiene obligación" según las leyes de la propia naturaleza.
Obligacion hacia "su obra", "su proyecto", y oglicacion para quienes la admiran o la utilizan.

Tu durante muchos años te has obligado a:
* Hacer modificaciones
* Hacer mejoras
* Escuchar "las peticiones" de las personas del foro
* Contestar a los de foro durante años
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Joined: 06 Feb 2022, 14:00

Re: Announcement

Post by Carter »

This is hard to take because Cobian Reflector is one of the best, if not THE best file backup programs I've seen.

Here's a thought: How about setting it up at and staying with it for just a while?
At least that would give it a chance for someone to step in who has used it, likes it, and is capable and qualified to continue working on it.
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Joined: 07 Dec 2021, 16:01

Re: Announcement

Post by inanotherlife »

Thank you for the effort, Cobian is one of the best backup software out there! I'm not a software developer, but an admin, so I cannot help, but could donate if you make a donation version. :APP
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Joined: 13 Mar 2023, 11:39

Re: Announcement

Post by Cotiso »

Tx for the great job you did for such a long time.
I will try to convince an IT support company that might be interested in carrying on the project.
Best wishes !
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Joined: 23 Sep 2021, 10:50

Re: Announcement

Post by przemhb »

Thank you Luis for the most convenient backup program. Over the years, I have recommended it to each and every friend.

As to the options - the 2nd involves serious risk. Some competitor could buy Reflector just to close it. The end of an excellent Astrid To-Do Android app looked like this. Yahoo bought it just to shut it down soon after. Luckily the code was released open source and thanks to a few forks were made by community and now we have a few more or less similar Astrid clones.
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Re: Announcement

Post by scso1502 »

First off, I want to sincerely thank you Luis for all your work on Cobian Backup and Cobian Reflector. I have installed Backup on MANY computers over the past 10+ years, a great number of which are still using it to this day. Why? Because unlike so MANY other pieces of Windows-based software, and of course Microsoft Windows itself, you've kept Cobian products incredibly simple to use for even the most basic users and they just work. Once they're installed and set up, which someone with almost no PC can do, experience, do, these programs just run and run and run without any user intervention unless it's to update them. Any you've made updating super easy, Hell, the program even stops itself when the user updates and then restarts! Seriously, it sounds so basic but so many programmers can't make that work right and it infuriates consumers of their PAID products. YOU MAKE IT ALL HAPPEN FOR FREE! Additionally, you've created products that operate so well, I have never needed any support from you to keep things running in over 10 years. Now that really says something about the quality of your work!

Until a couple years ago. I ran a STEAM friendly gaming community for games like CSS, CS:GO and Team Fortress to give people a fun, cheat-free with people who were required to be kind to others. The community was very active with 1000s of players on our servers everyday. Though I asked for donations to help cover the cost of several hundred dollars per month for all the server services, I almost never got them. I continued running and maintaining the community for 10 years before sadly, I had to finally call it quits as it just got to be too much work and cost to bear alone. I had put everything I had into that community and seeing it go away was very difficult for me. Doing so hurt many others as well, but in spite of everyone being warned I could no longer do it alone, they let it die and never offered to help or even make a $5.00 monthly donation to keep things running. I guess that's  human nature for the most part. One in a ten-thousand will step up when support is needed. Others will use something till it's gone and simply move on and never look back while most will miss what they once had and long for its return.

We have all enjoyed your work on your programs. But you need to take care of you. You've put in your time, and then some, to keep this thing going for all of us. I sincerely hope you find it in yourself to continue maintaining your software because frankly, I have little confidence anyone else will keep it as it is, simple and working perfectly. If you open source it, you will probably go crazy and others change it into something your vision disagrees with. If you sell it, the same would be true but at least you'd get paid for it.

Reflecting back on my related story above, maybe consider this. Had people regularly donated  to my community to cover the costs, I probably would have continued the work of running it. Perhaps you would feel the same if people paid you for your work on these products. Perhaps charging a small fee to purchase each product and then an annual maintenance fee to receive updates. Customers could choose to buy it and if they don't want the updates, they can continue to use the program without receiving the updates for as long as they work. If you price things right, you could not only make your work worthwhile, but also keep providing the best backup solution the way you see fit to customers who truly enjoy them. I'd gladly support you in this endeavor with my purchase of your products and maintenance agreements. Perhaps poll your customers to see if they'd do it?

Anyway, thanks for reading this long diatribe, but I just wanted you to know how much I and others I've set up to use your products feel.

Have a great weekend!
Mike Vail
Stevensville, MT. USA
"We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm" - George Orwell
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Re: Announcement

Post by cobian »

Thank you for all your input!
Luis Cobian
Cobian Backup's creator
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Joined: 05 May 2024, 22:23

Re: Announcement

Post by wctustin »

Sorry to hear that! I love the program and have been using it for years, 3 or 4 different icons worth, maybe over 10 years!
I tried many others and found that yours was the easiest to use and was the only one that kept track of missed backups well.
I now feel very guilty for not having contributed and just made a contribution/payment for all you have done and for a great program.
Thanks Again!!!
Last edited by wctustin on 17 Aug 2024, 18:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Announcement

Post by Donkeylogic »

Hi Luis, thank you for all he time you've spent on this project, you have done a great job and should be very proud of your achievement. I have used this software myself for a long time and recommended it to many other people. You have helped countless computer users to protect their valuable data and memories, you must follow your heart, enjoy your life and make your own great memories. Good Luck to you!
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Re: Announcement

Post by datarza »

Буэнос диас амиго, я специально зарегистрировался на форуме, чтобы написать свои мысли. Не знаю помогу они или нет, или может уже кото-то предлагал нечто подобное, но тем не менее.

Во первых спасибо за такую долгую поддержку своего продукта, я пользовался ещё во времена Windows Vista, потом перестал и вот сейчас опять потребовалось для своих домашних дел. В продукте есть хорошая вещь, позволяющая просто копировать файлы с одного места на другое нажатием одной кнопки, что идеально для домашних пользователей. И не смотря на очень туманный интерес пользователя и какие-то странные зависимости с каким-то там SHADOW COPY, вашим продуктом можно пользоваться даже в домашних условиях имея небольшие знания в компьютерной области. Спасибо.

Что касается вашей дилеммы. Есть понимание что вы устали за столь долгий срок и желаете как-то монетизировать продукт. Как говориться, и выбросить жалко и заниматься скучно. Могу точно сказать, если вы бросите его поддержку, никто другой заниматься этим не будет. Продукт очень специфичный, не раскрученный и как я сказал выше имеются определённые проблемы с интерфейсом. Вряд ли кто-то будет этим заниматься на простом энтузиазме так же хорошо как и вы.

Я предлагаю вам следующий вариант. Разделите продукт на два продукта. Один полностью бесплатный с простыми функциями для домашних пользователей. Второй, коммерческий продукт за плату с полным набором функций. Как домашний пользователь, я могу вам высказать своё мнение о функционале, которые были бы хороши в домашних условиях, а какие не нужны вовсе. Но думаю вы и сами справитесь.

Спасибо что помогаете простым людям.
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