
Questions about Cobian Reflector
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Re: Announcement

Post by macy »

This is really a shame. You have to charge for this software :-D
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Re: Announcement

Post by JERION »

Hi Dear Luis,

How can we talk about the cobian software I`d like so much continue this project.

I hope you`re feel well.

for a long time i wish this opportunity

God Bless you.

Contact me,
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Re: Announcement

Post by cobian »


Please contact me by mail.
Luis Cobian
Cobian Backup's creator
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Re: Announcement

Post by kennetheast »

Sorry to hear this. Have you thought of making Reflector to a commercial software with a reasonable price? I don't know how your work looks like but maybe you can reduce employment and not use all free time? It is a really good software. It is almost like fire and forget, it just works. I will buy it if so.
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Re: Announcement

Post by gtadamsesq »

I have used Cobian backup for longer than I can remember. Great program!! I will continue to use the final version as long as it keeps working as well as it has in the past. Best of everything to you!!!
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Re: Announcement

Post by dncarac »

I completely understand. Thank you for your work to this point. I think this is the best backup app for Windows, bar none. If you find another project which excites you, please let all of us here know. I'll probably check in to see if I need it and if so, adopt it sight unseen.
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Re: Announcement

Post by markinson »

Dearest Luis,
I have been a fan of yours and a user of your spectacular software for years and years now, and I will never stop thanking you for how precious you have been (and are) in my daily life, at home and at work.
You have created a program that is unique in the world, you must know and believe this.
All of us, users of your wonderful work, cannot help but respect your every sacrosanct decision, but it is truly a pain to learn this news.

Incidentally: sorry for my terrible English!

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything you have done. All we can and can give you in return is respect for your every decision, whatever it is, and to wish you the best in life.

The idea of ​​leaving the program is, in a certain sense (that's how I feel), like leaving all of us, like - for us - losing a safe and reliable friend.

But, I repeat, every decision of yours must be respected.

Thanks again for all you have done, with the hope that we can share a little more of our computer life together, however it may develop.

I hope I have managed to convey all the gratitude and admiration I feel for you.

Cheers from Italy!
"Facesti come quei che va di notte, che porta il lume dietro e sé non giova, ma dopo sé fa le persone dotte"
Dante (Purgatorio, Canto XXII)
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Re: Announcement

Post by billmcct »

cobian wrote: 03 Jul 2024, 17:45 Hello

Lately I have been thinking about working on some other projects, and doing something really different with my free time. I have really grown tired of the backup program. I've been working on Cobian Backup first and then Reflector since 2005. That's a lot of years, all by myself. I have been playing with version 3 of Reflector, but I feel not motivated at all and my heart is not really there anymore.

Luis, I have been using "Gravity" since almost the beginning. I think it was almost a year old, when I did a search for a new backup program, and found "Gravity". I have been using it even after you sold it,"and they let it "DIE" and was very suprised and excited when I found out that you had released "Reflector". I realize that you may have other interests and I for one would not wont to stop you from doing whatever is best for you. I would only ask that when a new Windows version is released, that you would take the time to update For that version. I only use the program as an application, so I don't have all the problems that people post on the forums.

So I have three possible ways to go:

1. Let the project die.
2. Sell the source code to anyone interested (contact me NOW)
3. Make the project open source and detach from it.

The third case is almost always equal with nr.1: research indicates that a staggering 95% of newly created open source projects meet abandonment within a year. And it needs at least one active developer which will be the repository owner and wants to be in charge of the project. The project is completely done in C#/WPF. Only one commercial library is used for FTP/SFTP which should be replaced by any other free/open source alternative.

I would chose option 2, but that still means that the project would die just like "Gravity". If you have the opportunity to sell, then please take it, it would be to your advantage money wise. Otherwise if there would be someone willing to take over the project I would be all for it. No matter, anyway you go I will use "Reflector" til I die. I'm 84 y,o now so, go think.

So, please, leave your thoughts below about the future of the software.

I have seen so many excellent one man projects die over time, (like the BEST software updater of all time "SUMo") nothing can even get close to it except another one man project called "QuickInstalller" and I have tried many times to get him to open a GitHub repository in order to ask for help, however he doesn't seem to want to. As I have said, I will use "Reflector" until I die, no matter your decision. Good luck on whatever endeavor you choose. And thank you for the many years I have been able to use your software. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything you have done, to help us folk that no nothing about programming.
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Re: Announcement

Post by billmcct »

markinson wrote: 06 Oct 2024, 16:18 Dearest Luis,
I have been a fan of yours and a user of your spectacular software for years and years now, and I will never stop thanking you for how precious you have been (and are) in my daily life, at home and at work.
You have created a program that is unique in the world, you must know and believe this.
All of us, users of your wonderful work, cannot help but respect your every sacrosanct decision, but it is truly a pain to learn this news.

Incidentally: sorry for my terrible English!

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything you have done. All we can and can give you in return is respect for your every decision, whatever it is, and to wish you the best in life.

The idea of ​​leaving the program is, in a certain sense (that's how I feel), like leaving all of us, like - for us - losing a safe and reliable friend.

But, I repeat, every decision of yours must be respected.

Thanks again for all you have done, with the hope that we can share a little more of our computer life together, however it may develop.

I hope I have managed to convey all the gratitude and admiration I feel for you.

Cheers from Italy!
@markinson, You conveyed your thoughts very well and your English seems to be better then mine, I'm American.
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Re: Announcement

Post by CityguyUSA »

If you're really tired of it than it's not going to help us or you. I've gotten used to Reflector in some respects and I've certainly put in my requests to "fix" or upgrade things. I depended on your software to accompish what my regular backup software couldn't but when I find that it has some functional problems and isn't doing what I thought it was then either the software needs to fixed or I need to abandon it because its not meeting my expectaions.

I guess my first thought is that if you want to abandon it and you post it on one of the corporate codebases like Github it may or may not get attention. Giving it to someone else to develop could end up in the same place 2 weeks later because they don't want to invest or maybe they don't have the capabilities to invest. You've established it as freeware I'm not sure if you give it to someone if they have any reason to keep it freeware?

I have no problem paying for sofware that works but I'm not interested in investing in software that may not ever get fixed. Since I've been taken many times with promises that never came I really do test software to ensure it does a minimum of what I need. I had a Goggle app on my phone that I just loved and Google came along and screwed with the API and the developer just stopped. He didn't want to have to recode because of Google's whims.

Software ineeds constant attention to grow and support more needs and to remain functional. No other software will be anymore or less demanding just different. If you're thinking of launhcing into something else at what point does that bore you?

Best of luck but please don't drag your feet on this decision.
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