Request for Enhancement: Please add an option to use the system date for the timestamp on the top-level backup folder.
e.g. If I'm backing up 'foo', Reflector creates a folder named something like "foo 25-02-06 14;38 (Full)". It would be helpful if that folder had the timestamp when it was created.
I do see the option "Copy Timestamps", but de-selecting that option copies NO timestamps. For all folders/files *except* the top-level folder, I want their timestamp preserved because some programs depend on the timestamp of files/folders.
Having the timestamp of the backup on the top-level folder lets me sort backups by modified-date, and that's useful.
Use System Date for Top-level Folder Only
Re: Use System Date for Top-level Folder Only
But if the creation date is used then you couldn't have several versions? All new backups will end up having the same name?
Luis Cobian
Cobian Backup's creator
Luis Cobian
Cobian Backup's creator
- Posts: 7
- Joined: 19 Dec 2021, 15:20
Re: Use System Date for Top-level Folder Only
I think the current behavior is fine for the top level folder *name*. I'm asking to have the *file system timestamp* on the top level folder be the date the top-level folder is created, rather than copying the timestamp of the source folder.
Re: Use System Date for Top-level Folder Only
I'm understand. At this moment is everything or nothing (All time stamps are copied, inclusive the top level) or non is copied.
Luis Cobian
Cobian Backup's creator
Luis Cobian
Cobian Backup's creator