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Re: Opening Cobian Reflector User Interface crashing

Posted: 07 Oct 2021, 05:54
by DN1000
I have exactly the same issue when starting the user interface, it loads then closes in the system tray and the service is still running. I deleted the folders as you said and it has created them again on restart and the positions.ini file is attached. When I 1st installed Reflector I added a new task names test and that is all that it has in it. I did use the daily time function and added multiple times as this is what I am using it for to transfer files multiple times a day, I also used the task filter and added *.csv if this helps.

Re: Opening Cobian Reflector User Interface crashing

Posted: 07 Oct 2021, 07:49
by cobian
Thank you. The file looks OK though,

Re: Opening Cobian Reflector User Interface crashing

Posted: 19 Jun 2022, 23:58
by adasler
У меня была такая беда. Я нашел причину.
Перед этим я открывал терминальную сессию на широкоформатном мониторе.
И окно программы перемещал в правую часть экрана.
Если после этого открыть интерфейс на обычном экране, то его не видно, хотя программа на панели задач светится.
Откройте снова на широкоформатном экране и сместите интерфейс влево.

I had such trouble. I found the reason.
Before that, I opened a terminal session on a widescreen monitor.
And the program window moved to the right side of the screen.
If after that you open the interface on a regular screen, then it is not visible, although the program on the taskbar glows.
Open again on a wide screen and slide the interface to the left.

Re: Opening Cobian Reflector User Interface crashing

Posted: 23 Jun 2022, 19:56
by cobian
Aha.. Thank you. I will add an option to force the visibility of the main window from the tray.