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"Files" and "Filters" in the task definition (UI)

Posted: 26 Oct 2021, 06:37
by gvd
Hello Luis,

When I add files, folders or masks in the "Filter" section of a task, the window size grows as needed to show all files, folders or masks.

This is not the case in the "Files" section where "Source" and "Destination" have a fixed height.

Can you change the behaviour of the "Files" section to mimic that of the "Filter" section ?



Re: "Files" and "Filters" in the task definition (UI)

Posted: 26 Oct 2021, 09:16
by cobian
Yes, this needs to be changed... But really don't know if the best behaviorism is the "classic" one or the other one.

Re: "Files" and "Filters" in the task definition (UI)

Posted: 27 Oct 2021, 12:24
by gvd
My preference goes to growing windows for a very simple reason : you can take a screen copy and have all files or all filters on a single screen.
With fixed height, you may have to take multiple screen copies to have the complete list.



Re: "Files" and "Filters" in the task definition (UI)

Posted: 27 Oct 2021, 15:47
by cobian
I understand but the problem is that it can grow outside the bounds of the screen. Ugly.

Re: "Files" and "Filters" in the task definition (UI)

Posted: 28 Oct 2021, 18:39
by gvd
Clever as you are, you can put limits on the growth, can't you 8-) ?


Re: "Files" and "Filters" in the task definition (UI)

Posted: 28 Oct 2021, 21:17
by cobian