Log file

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Log file

Post by VascoVicenza »

Good morning, during an Incremental backup, only the reports of deletions from the backup file appear in the log file, but no modified or added lines appear.
In my opinion it would be very useful to record this information to understand if the backup is working correctly.
Thank you
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Re: Log file

Post by cobian »

Just change the level of the log to Verbose or even to log individual operations.
Luis Cobian
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Re: Log file

Post by VascoVicenza »

Good morning, during an Incremental backup, only the reports of deletions from the backup file appear in the log file, but no modified or added lines appear.
In my opinion it would be very useful to record this information to understand if the backup is working correctly.
ERR 2021-12-25 19:40:00 Warning: The secure mirror directory size is now 93.55GB.
How should I interpret the above notice?
Danger, Warning and wrong settings on my part?

thank you

See Attachment
2021-12-25 18:46:27 È stato avviato un backup...
2021-12-25 18:46:27 Calcolo del numero di file. Potrebbe volerci un po'...

2021-12-25 18:46:43 Backup dell'attività "Backup_J_su_F_Incrementale"
2021-12-25 18:46:43 Applicazione dei parametri all'attività "Backup_J_su_F_Incrementale" (se presente).
2021-12-25 18:46:43 Avvio della copia. L'utente che esegue l'attività è: SYSTEM
2021-12-25 18:46:43 Backup della directory "J:\" in "F:\A_Backup_J_su_F_Incrementale\J"...
2021-12-25 18:49:05 I timestamp sono stati copiati da "J:\" a "F:\A_Backup_J_su_F_Incrementale\J".
2021-12-25 18:49:05 Operazione mirror. Verifica della presenza di file inesistenti nell'origine...
2021-12-25 18:49:09 Eliminazione del file "F:\A_Backup_J_su_F_Incrementale\J\Documenti_Famiglia\Documenti_Angelina\Mediche\Richieste di RX e Visite\Visite_da_Fare\2021-11-29_Impegnativa per esami sangue.pdf". Motivo: il file non esiste più sull'origine.
2021-12-25 18:49:09 Eliminazione del file "F:\A_Backup_J_su_F_Incrementale\J\Documenti_Famiglia\Documenti_Angelina\Mediche\Richieste di RX e Visite\Visite_da_Fare\2021-11-29_ore_11-00_per_Visita di Controllo_Nutrizionale.pdf". Motivo: il file non esiste più sull'origine.
2021-12-25 18:49:16 Eliminazione del file "F:\A_Backup_J_su_F_Incrementale\J\Hardware\Apple\Iphone 5S\Foto_Temp\IMG_E1994.JPG". Motivo: il file non esiste più sull'origine.
2021-12-25 18:49:22 Il controllo del mirror è stato eseguito.
2021-12-25 18:49:22 È stato eseguito il backup della directory "J:\".
2021-12-25 18:49:22 * La parte di backup per l'attività "Backup_J_su_F_Incrementale" è terminata. Numero di file di backup: 34. Dimensione della parte di backup: 123,57 MB. *
2021-12-25 18:49:22 Un elemento di backup secondario è stato aggiunto al database.
2021-12-25 18:49:22 Un elemento di backup è stato aggiunto al database.
2021-12-25 18:49:22 ** Il backup per l'attività "Backup_J_su_F_Incrementale" è terminato. Numero di file di backup: 34. Cartelle create: 3. Dimensione del backup: 123,57 MB. **
2021-12-25 18:49:22 *** Number of errors: 0. Time elapsed for the task "Backup_J_su_F_Incrementale": 0 hours, 2 minutes, 38 seconds. ***

2021-12-25 18:49:22 Il backup è terminato senza errori.

2021-12-25 18:49:23 Recupero della cronologia di backup per l'attività "{1AD23A29-DDE5-46A0-97D5-E89C2FA409C5}"...
ERR 2021-12-25 19:40:00 Avvertimento: la dimensione della directory del mirror sicuro ora è 93,55 GB.
Registry Settings
Registry Settings
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Re: Log file

Post by cobian »

But you need to check the log *file*, not the log tab.
Luis Cobian
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Re: Log file

Post by gvd »

Hello VascoVicenza,
VascoVicenza wrote: 25 Dec 2021, 20:07 ERR 2021-12-25 19:40:00 Warning: The secure mirror directory size is now 93.55GB.
How should I interpret the above notice?
Danger, Warning and wrong settings on my part?
AFAIK, secure mirror directory is only used during mirroring to keep a copy of all files deleted during the backup.
Mirroring is not a good idea as files deleted from the source drive are also erased from the backup drive (read more here).
To obviate this, Cobian Reflector keeps a copy in the secure mirror directory.
But if you delete lots of files, you will end up with a huge directory (93.55GB is not that small).
For this reason, you can setup what you consider the max size for this folder. When it is reached, you receive this warning.
Handling of the files in the secure mirror directory is up to you.

Best regards,
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Re: Log file

Post by VascoVicenza »

Thanks for the speed of response!
The Registry File is actually more detailed, but only the eventual elimination is clearly described both in form and substance, while any additions to the database are not detailed:
2021-12-25 12:11:37 A secondary backup item has been added to the database.
2021-12-25 12:11:37 A backup item has been added to the database.
Again, any replacement for a modified file is never written to the log file;
I would also like to state that for clarity the structure used in the case of file deletion is the clearest one that I would like to see both in the case of addition and replacement.
As for the use of the mirror, I have removed it and now I will check the consequent outcome of the backup.
Thanks further for the valuable advice!
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Re: Log file

Post by VascoVicenza »

Good evening, I apologize if my question is trivial to you, but I am a normal user and not a computer expert.
I have configured a 'Full Backup' which is performed weekly also because the execution lasts almost 4.5 hours for about 521 GB.
I have also configured in 'Incremental Backup' which apart from the first run now takes a maximum of 15 minutes, but I saw that the 'Safe Mirror' folder occupies an exaggerated space of about 95 GB.
I ask what function the “Safe Mirror” folder has and what happens if I had to delete its contents.
If this space occupation is due to the Incremental Backup, the price paid in terms of space seems excessive to me.
Could you advise me which is the optimal backup in terms of time and space occupied?
Thank you
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Re: Log file

Post by cobian »

A mirror is NOT a backup and its a very dangerous function to have. From the help file:

Use a safe mirror directory: A mirroring operation is not a backup and it's quite a bad idea to implement in a backup program. That said, people want mirrors, so Cobian Reflector implements them. That means that, if a file is deleted in the source , the same file must be deleted from the destination. In order to somehow mitigate this very dangerous option, when a file is deleted from the destination, it will be temporary stored in the "Save mirror directory" indicated on the options.

You can uncheck the "Use a safe mirror directory" option at own risk.
Luis Cobian
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Color for Logs

Post by Breizionerd »

Hello, I use your great software for backup professionnal data (servers). It works but the Log is difficult to read. I wish it will be better. The best will be you use colors. For exemple :

- RED = error critical (bad copy, bad access...)
- ORANGE = error simple (attribut files or other not important)
- BLUE = start task / end task
- GREEN = time of copy / number of files & folders copied
- PINK = SOURCE for copy
- BLACK = information / list of files copied succesfully
- space between 2 tasks and before the finish stastistiques (number of copy / spend time...)

My opinion is the log will be better if you have a file since the start than the end of a task groupe or in option for a week. Because one day is bad because often people backup PRO computers or servers when workers go home so we start backup for exemple at 9 PM and finish at 6 AM the next morning. So the log is cut, it's not easy to survey and worst by email.

If you can make colors and space it will be fabulous. Thanks very much.

In french :

Bonjour, le logiciel est top mais les journaux de logs ne sont pas très lisibles afin de vérifier si le backup s'est bien passé. Ce serait génial d'avoir des couleurs (personnalisables ?) en fonction de la ligne / erreur. En gros distinguer l'erreur importante de l'erreur peu importante et surtout faire apparaitre d'un coup d'oeil le nombre de fichiers et dossiers copiés sur x prévus et le temps de copie. Idéalement bien faire apparaitre la source et la destination mais surtout ce serait parfait de bien séparer chaque tache afin d'analyser chaque copie et ne pas confondre les essais / erreurs / taches successives sur un meme fichier de log.

A mon sens, vu que les PRO sauvegardent la nuit par ex de 21H à 6H le lendemain, le log serait plus clair en ayant la tache du début à la fin ou par exemple une semaine de log et non pas un jour.

Merci beaucoup si tu trouves une solution. c'est à mon sens le plus gros défaut du logiciel.

Reste 2 autres points que je dois creuser :
- Installation en mode service ou Compte Local => sur certains serveurs il y a des erreurs de droits ou chemin avec le domaine. c'est toujours compliqué de savoir quoi choisir (compte local, service...). Peut-être que davantage d'explications serait le bienvenu sur cette page d'installation, pour tous ceux connaissant peu les domaines et comptes utilisateurs ?!
- Je tente de copier régulièrement un fichier VM (Machine Virtuelle) de 230 GO vers Disque Externe & NAS mais peut importe la méthode et destination, cela semble trop lourd ou lent pour le logiciel qui ne parvient pas à copier. Je vais retenter mais il semble que Cobian limite la taille. Je vais tester avec Reflector
Last edited by Breizionerd on 10 Jan 2022, 17:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Log file

Post by cobian »

Thank you for suggestion.

The file (not the tab) is in text format, so it cannot contain any other information than text. For the log tab, it can be done.
Luis Cobian
Cobian Backup's creator
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