Slow backup in network

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Slow backup in network

Post by eis »


I have Synology NAS in my network and I wanted to take a backup from my computer to that device. It is mapped as a network drive.

So I started the first set, 140GB. No encryption or compression. After 36h and 40 minutes, it had copied only 42GB.

This was way too slow, I would have never got the job done in time. I checked that in the FAQ ( there is:

Q: My network backup is extremely slow
A: Try disabling the "Copy timestamp", "Copy attributes" and "Copy NTFS permissions" options.

But I couldn't find these options anywhere.

I then switched to FBackup, and it has already copied 82GB in 2h50min, with default settings.

What could cause such drastic difference? What makes Cobian so much slower by default?
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Re: Slow backup in network

Post by eis »

Actually, realized FBackup does use compression by default: it creates one single .zip file. Does that explain the perf difference?
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Re: Slow backup in network

Post by cobian »

I don't know hw FBackup works but my guess is that it compresses the files locally and then copied the result to the network driver.
Luis Cobian
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Re: Slow backup in network

Post by eis »

cobian wrote: 11 May 2021, 20:05 I don't know hw FBackup works but my guess is that it compresses the files locally and then copied the result to the network driver.
That could be IF the network traffic rate would not be so low when cobian backup is doing a backup, in contrast to fbackup (some 70-100Mbps, where cobian had maybe 1/100 of that). Something is definitely limiting it that is not network or the speed of my NAS (drives). Compressing locally before sending should, if anything, reduce network speed not improve it? Is there some limiter in cobian backup that I am not aware about? How about those "Copy timestamp", "Copy attributes" and "Copy NTFS permissions" options?

But I will test later if using compressed files does the trick, if there is some additional work with all the little files that explain this, for instance.
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Re: Slow backup in network

Post by cobian »

Yes, copying the attributes, the timestamps, etc takes some time.
Luis Cobian
Cobian Backup's creator
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