
Questions about Cobian Reflector
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Re: Announcement

Post by cobian »

Luis Cobian
Cobian Backup's creator
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Re: Announcement

Post by ITSDoneRight »

I would be interested in either having this open sourced or perhapse purchasing it.

I use this software quite a bit and do not want to see it fade away. I would also like to continue to improve it and keep it going. This would be a learning experience for me as i want to really start getting into programming not just tiny things that crop up as an IT guy fixing things. currently my website is down as it got hacked so cant go looking at it and im deciding what to do as it needs a redesign. I do have a hosting company as well that resells A2 hosting space so I can keep the website going and have the bandwidth to make things work.

I was planning on monetizing it through donations I dont plan on closing anything off or limiting it in any way. another option which would let me turn it into more of a business is having a limited use for it and a license if its needed in an environment with more than 100 members or something. This I think would be something I would ask the community about because ability to hire a dedicated team could implement more features and fix bugs even faster than not monetizing it. another option would be allowing other companies to take it and rebrand it for themselves say hp wants to bundle a backup solution with a computer they can take this limit its function to be much simpler to use for their users and add all of their branding to it and they would then pay for a license to redistribute it. taht last one is probably what i would like to implement as it allows cobian to then be used and even fixed updated etc by other companies that may have even more resources. probably just start out with a please donate button.

things I want to implement are:
  • better ways of tracking if a backup actually completed
  • a check to see if there is enough space on the backup location
  • option to remove differential or snapshots from last full backup when a new full backup is created
  • a versioning interface / file catalog that keeps track of file changes for time stamped backups so you dont need to hunt through dozens of dated backup folders to figure out where a file is
  • better backup folder interface that allows backing up of say users directory but you can tell it to skip all the app datas ... there probably is already a way to do this but its not obvious ... im thinking click the add file / folder button then having check boxes for what needs backing up so the user can uncheck things like temp folders or local low or whatever else but still retaining the surrounding tree
  • resource availabilty checking to perform backups only when there is enough resources or when a particular resource is idle
anyway let me know ill pay attention to my messages here on the board
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Re: Announcement

Post by PermanentRed »

Hi Luis,

thank you so much for your dedicated and awesome work!
I understand that all things must come to an end.

Regarding the open source option: You are probably already aware of this, but there are multiple reports where some near-abandonment OpenSource project was taken over, and recieved useful updates, but later it was discovered that some well hidden sleeper code was added and it basically turned into a malicious governments spyware/malware.

So please be extra careful in case you will be offering the source code ;) And maybe insist of renaming it - so in the worst case, it won't tarnish your good name.

All the best and have fun at your future projects!

It must have been 20 years since I last registered at a forum :)
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Re: Announcement

Post by cobian »

Luis Cobian
Cobian Backup's creator
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Re: Announcement

Post by cobian »

ITSDoneRight wrote: 18 Oct 2024, 22:38 anyway let me know ill pay attention to my messages here on the board
Please contact me by mail at if you have some proposal.
Luis Cobian
Cobian Backup's creator
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Re: Announcement

Post by robroymayo50 »

Hi Luis
First of all, many thanks for the magnificent work you have done so far and that we all appreciated.
Personally, I think yours is one of the best backup apps that can be found.
I perceive great talent, great enthusiasm and a great desire to share.
Both as a programmer and as a user, I really appreciate that your software has always been easy to use, so much so that it does not require reading any manual.
In addition to my thanks, I wish you a happy continuation in your activity.
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Re: Announcement

Post by royintis »

Hola, luis cobian. Recien me entero de tu nombre despues de muchos años de usar tu programa, el cual me ha salvado de muchas perdidas de informacion. Te agradezco por tantos años que me has ayudado a formar parte de lo que se llama aplicar programas sencillos y gratuitos que me han permitido tener copias de seguridad efectivas, nunca he cobrado por hacer copias menos utilizando un programa gratuito, siempre lo he incluido dentro de las buenas practica como TI.
Gracias por todo lo que has aportado desinteresadamente y de verdad espero que triunfes en tus nuevos proyectos.
Me gustaria aprender mas sobre este proyecto de como programar y crear un sistema asi tan potente como el tuyo, pero no soy programador, asi que no es mi interes.
Si dejas el codigo fuente abierto eso serian un gran aporte para que muchos creen y mejoren el programa pero esperemos que luego no se vuelva comercial, si lo vendes pues el que lo compre podra invertir mejorar y ofrecer como producto suyo..

Yo espero que pronto vuelvas y sigas aportando y en la medida de lo posible puedas permitir la descarga aplicando un aporte voluntario para que tu tiempo no sea perdido en vano. aunque tus principios y los años que has aportado ya te convierte en alguien importante.
un saludo desde peru y una vez mas, gracias.
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Re: Announcement

Post by nquinteros »

Hello Luis.
I would like to thank you for all these years of dedication, and I understand the reasons for your decision.
However, I have a fourth alternative for you:
You have worked so many years and have received nothing in return. You have a very good product and I believe that a large part of the planet uses it.
That has a lot of value, and thinking of an alternative to replace it today is beyond me.
My fourth alternative is to tell you to charge for the use of the license. An affordable price that no one can say is expensive, because we know the value of what we protect.
You will be surprised to know how much your program is being used.
And with funds you could even hire programmers who, under your instructions, continue to improve the product and you would be freed from part of the workload.
We will also understand whatever alternative you decide, but it would be good if such a good product is not lost forever.
Thank you!
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Re: Announcement

Post by PeekaBoo »


I second, third and to the nth degree agree with all the posters thanking you for all you've done, and I imagine sacrificed as far as your time goes to assist all of us for all of these years. You are a rare unicorn. Thank you sooo much!!

I have used your programs, first Cobian Backup, now Reflector for the past 11 years. It has saved my hide more times than I can count and as I run a small business having a reliable, safe, not overly technical backup program for my business files and client files has been enormously important to me.

I don't know if there is any viable option to keep the software going, by selling it and as someone noted charging subscription fees or user fees or something. i have to believe there is a way to monetize this, sell it, make some money for yourself, maybe a lot of (you deserve it), and then let it be as John Lennon said. Hopefully there is someone out there that can take this over from you.

I'm not sure what your final decision will be, but know that no matter where your path leads you, you have helped many many thousands or more people in a real, tangible way, and all without any fee. I for one am eternally grateful. And you absolutely deserve to follow your heart to whatever brings you inspiration and hopefully joy in the next chapter and adventure of your life.
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Re: Announcement

Post by Merlin »

Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication over the years. Cobian Backup has been a reliable and invaluable tool for so many of us, and your solo efforts in keeping it going for nearly two decades is truly remarkable. It’s clear you’ve put your heart into this project, and it's understandable that you’d want to explore something new after so long.

Whatever path you decide to take, I just want to wish you all the best. You've made a huge difference to countless users, and we’re grateful for all you’ve given. Thank you again, and best of luck with your future projects!
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